Web Events

Small-Group Times for Active Learners – Online, March 3 through March 28, 2025

Categories: Professional Learning


Small-group time is an adult-initiated time of the day for which teachers plan the learning experience and materials based on curriculum content, children’s interests, and developmental abilities. In this four-week online course, participants identify the components of active learning in small-group time while incorporating curriculum content and scaffolding children’s developmental learning.

Important Information

  • Course Registration closes February 21, 2025. Late registrations cannot be accepted.
  • If paying by PO, please complete online registration for all of your participants, and send in a copy of your web order with your PO to fulfillment@highscope.org.
  • Participants will receive their welcome email with login instructions 1-2 days before class starts.
  • Please provide a current email address to enable course communication.
  • HighScope will grant refunds (minus the cost of student materials) to students only if they withdraw from the course prior to its start. Cancellation must be received by email to fulfillment@highscope.org.

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