

HighScope Program Assessment

We focus on helping programs build strong teacher-child interactions, effective learning environments, and supportive relationships with families that foster optimal child learning and development. This positive impact makes the PQA an essential tool in building a high-quality early childhood program.

Not only is the PQA designed to evaluate quality, but it also aids in identifying teachers’ strengths and where there are opportunities for growth and continuous improvement. Early childhood programs rely on the PQA to ensure compliance with national standards and provide their teachers with data-driven guidance to create stimulating, nurturing, and supportive learning environments.

Assessment is focused on seven domains:

Learning Environment

Learning Environment

Learning Environment

Learning Environment

Daily Routine

Daily Routine

Daily Routine

Daily Routine

Adult-Child Interaction

Adult-Child Interaction

Adult-Child Interaction

Adult-Child Interaction

Curriculum Planning & Assessment

Curriculum Planning & Assessment

Curriculum Planning & Assessment

Curriculum Planning & Assessment

Parent Involvement & Family Services

Parent Involvement & Family Services

Parent Involvement & Family Services

Parent Involvement & Family Services

Staff Qualifications & Development

Staff Qualifications & Development

Staff Qualifications & Development

Staff Qualifications & Development

Program Management

Program Management

Program Management

Program Management

Valid & Reliable

PQA is a reliable, scientifically validated assessment that reflects research-based, field-tested best practices in early childhood education. The PQA can be used with any performance standards, including the Head Start Program Performance Standards, and as a basis for reporting, monitoring, professional learning, and HighScope program accreditation.
did you know?
We offer guided support, both in person and online, to help your program successfully transition to using HighScope’s Program Quality Assessment.

Ready to Order Program Assessment?


HighScope’s Ready School Assessment

HighScope’s Ready School Assessment (RSA) is a collaborative planning tool that leverages best practices from the early childhood field to support the school improvement process and provide school improvement teams with a developmental profile of their ready school elements — those policies and practices supportive of and critical to the success of children as they enter and begin their elementary school years. School leaders can use the RSA as a guide to reflect on current practices and plan for improvement collaboratively with their team.

Ready to Order Ready School Assessment?