Our FAQs are crafted to give educators, parents, and administrators a clear insight into the HighScope philosophy, helping you understand how we nurture young minds for optimal growth and development.
On This Page (Jump To):
The HighScope Curriculum and Approach
Obtaining HighScope Products and Materials
HighScope Conference
The HighScope Curriculum and Approach
Obtaining HighScope Products and Materials
Does HighScope offer professional learning?
Professional learning courses are held at individual program locations, online, and at our headquarters in Ypsilanti, Michigan, where we operate a Demonstration Preschool visited by hundreds of educators each year. To accommodate different training needs and schedules, HighScope offers a variety of face-to-face and online courses ranging from one day to multiple weeks. Training combines theory with practical application. HighScope curriculum courses cover all aspects of understanding and implementing the educational approach with children. Adult training courses enable those in supervisory positions to train and support staff at their own agencies as they use the HighScope model.
Permissions and Reprints
Research Projects
For permission to reproduce or modify HighScope materials in research projects, please contact the Research department at
Library Reserves
For library reserves or interlibrary loans, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center.
If you want to reuse materials from HighScope-copyrighted articles, books, training manuals, brochures, DVDs, and other materials by republishing that material in another form (including electronic forms), send a written request to the Publications department at A fee may be assessed for republication.
Training Materials
If you are a trainer or other educational staff member of a Head Start, public school district, child care center, or other nonprofit organization and would like to make copies in limited numbers that will be distributed free of charge for in-house workshops, please contact the Publications department at