Our Values

Highscope’s Values are the Foundation of Our Work

For over 50 years, as HighScope’s work has evolved to best serve the needs of educators, policymakers, families, and communities, our values have remained constant.

Evidence-Backed Practices

We conduct thorough research to ensure that our practices are strongly supported by evidence and support children, educators, and their families.

Equity For All Children

We work side-by-side with programs around the world to remove barriers of access and ensure that every child, no matter their circumstances, can thrive and realize their full potential.

High Quality Education

Decades of early childhood research has found time and again that investing in high-quality early childhood education will produce lasting gains for young children and deliver better outcomes for society.

Teachers As Leaders

We are committed to supporting the continued professional growth of educators and believe in their power and ability to change the trajectory of a child’s life.

Strength In Community

We believe in the power of community to create better futures for children. With that in mind, we have developed partnerships with various community stakeholders to strengthen the impact of our collaborative work
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