

Brightmoor Quality Early Childhood Initiatives Evaluation

Date: April 23, 2024
Categories: Early Childhood Education Evaluation and Policies, Professional Development and Learning

The Brightmoor project is funded by the Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation. HighScope leads the formative evaluation of the projects the Fisher Foundation funds in the Brightmoor area of Detroit. We analyze existing data, provide recommendations for improving services and evaluation data collection strategies, and support decision making for future funding directions. We collect and report community-based collective impact data and outcomes, as well as child outcomes data.

The Fisher Foundation will continue to fund HighScope’s work in the Brighmoor area through 2019 as we shift our focus to evaluating Everybody Ready, a program that administers scholarships to Brightmoor families to obtain high-quality child care, and Development Centers, Inc. (DCI), a program that provides professional development to Brightmoor child care providers. As part of HighScope’s work in Brightmoor, we will also provide training and coaching services to Brightmoor providers during the first two years of the evaluation. Additionally, we will explore historical data and conduct interviews to document the impact of the Fisher Foundation’s seven-year investment in raising the quality of early childhood services in Brightmoor.

Highscope Educational Research Foundation